Command and control plays a big part in many rule systems. Separately based models are often required to symbolize individual commanders on the tabletop. To represent the various levels of command hierarchy associated with this period in history I personally utilize both small and large circular stands. Measuring three inches in diameter the larger stands containing two or three mounted figures denote divisional (and in big games corps) commanders. While at just two inches in diameter the smaller bases with a single mounted figure represent subordinate brigade and artillery commanders.
Pictured below are several individually based officers on foot. These brave colonels would be attached to units in Fire & Fury games granting small tactical and command bonuses to their regiments for the duration of the battle or until the misfortunes of war strike them down. Ultimately I plan to paint a few more and use them as staff officers in future games of David Brown’s Pickett’s Charge.
Rebel Generals
So far I have completed six brigade/Artillery single figure command stands and two of the larger division/corps commander stands for my Confederate army. All the figures pictured here are from the Perry brothers excellent metal ACW range baring the foot officers present on some of the brigade commander stands. These officers were leftovers from the many plastic rank and file box sets I purchased when building these armies.

▲Divisional General▲
▲Brigade Commander▲

Confederate Rank Insignia
With the Rebel Congress failing to assign individual rank badges to all the commission grades they created during the war, things can get a little complicated here. Brigadier generals, major generals, lieutenant generals and full generals for example, were all denoted by three stars surrounded by a wreath. Further diluting this system was the tendency for Generals like Robert E. Lee and Joseph R. Johnson to wear the rank insignia of a full colonel while Stonewall Jackson frequently took to the field in his old U.S army jacket. The collars and cuffs of the Confederate officers were in the colour of the service arm they were commanding, blue for infantry, red for artillery and yellow for cavalry.

As with most items worn during the civil war regulations gave way to availability, personal preference & comfort. For example, some generals preferred maroon sashes over the prescribed buff ones. In my limited research I did find that some sources also mention black sashes worn by engineers, some chaplains and militia officers. There were also variations in how the sash was actually worn. Regulations stated that the officer of the day should wear the sash “scarf fashion” crossing the right shoulder from the left side instead of around the waist.

Union Generals
Smaller in numbers than my more favoured Rebel army I have only completed one large division/corps command stand and three smaller brigade/artillery command stands for the Federal army so far. Like their Confederate counter parts these metal figures are all from the Perry brothers ACW range. Although both command groups presented here contain specific character models such as Henry Heth, J.E.B Stuart and George Meade I have made no real attempt to paint them as such. Preferring instead to keep things simple and therefore more interchangeable from a gaming perspective.

February 2018

Pictured below are three extra mounted officers. These new commanders with allow me to double the current number of Union brigades I can field on the table top at any one time.