Greener Pastures

There comes a point when you have to face the fact that a once loved gaming system is just taking up valuable cupboard space. Sadly “Big sigh” high noon has come and gone for my cowboy collection as I’ve only managed to get it on the table once since moving to Nelson. The buildings pictured here were all scratch built many years ago when the wild west was the new frontier at my local club. At its high point I played in more than one club campaign and have fond memories of killing half of someones posse with a single stick of dynamite (Ben). I also remember your dodgy unkillable Indian in the bar fight if you happen to read this, you shocker lol.

So here’s a last look at a game system I truly had a lot of fun with over the years. Hopefully the new owners will get as much enjoyment out of this collection as I did.

Oh…ah….. turns out Ben did read my comments above and he sent me the following reply ….lol
The Camembert Defense (Or in defense of cheese)
My Dogsoldier has been accused of cheesy moves, only fair to answer! So what’s the best thing to bring to a bar fight? Yup that’s right a fanatical Ogala or other plains tribe Dogsoldier. And under the rules (GW Wild West) he can stake himself to the ground and fight even better (plus this and that etc). Now nowhere in the rules did it say you couldn’t stake yourself to the floor of a bar! GW left out any information about where Dogsoldier could or could not stake himself so, ignoring logic, I claimed, and claim the right to stake him anywhere especially in a bar!. Dull Knife was the last man standing and probably took out more than 6 others by himself!
And yes that was most of my war band dancing with the dynamite and coming apart at the joints…..meh!