Just painted January 2024

It’s been so long since I last posted here that I’ve lost track of everything I’ve painted. I know I added six command stands to my 28mm ACW collection. Four confederate and two union.

I’ve also stripped down a ton of Assyrian figures from my old DBM army. Slowly but surely I’ve been repainting these as Babylonians, Assyrians and Urartians. However, I will only post recently finished units here, as I intend to add dedicated pages for my Babylonian and Assyrian armies.

Below the (28mm) Urartian units is the single stand of bad-horse I needed to complete my early Babylonian army. Under that is a mass of 1815 10mm stuff I’ve been working on. Mostly mixed cavalry units and Lobau VI Corps (in the draw)

Six elements of Urartian light-foot.
Two elements of Urartain Javelin cavalry
I really only repainted the flesh and spear shafts on these.
Three elements of Urartian guard (raiders) with brass shields. Rear view below.
Four regiments of 10mm French (1815) light cavalry
Three regiments of 10mm Dutch/Belgian (1815) heavy cavalry.
Four regiments of 10mm French (1815) heavy cavalry
Three regiments of 10mm British (1815) cavalry.
rear view of the British cavalry.
All of my French 10mm units. 1st Corps on the left, 6th Corps a long with some heavy cavalry on the right.