Camillian Romans
100BC to 276 BC
The troop elements pictured here will form the core of my Camillan army. Elements of Italian foot and horse pictured elsewhere will be used to bulk out the remainder of the army. By adding Spanish, Numidian and Celtic troops into the mix there is potential for these lads to take the field as a Polybian army .
▼ 2x Roman Cavalry. Troop class: Open order- Javelin Cavalry ▼

▼ 2x Triarii. Troop class: Close order-Elite foot ▼

▼ 3x Principes. Troop class: Close order-Elite foot. ▼

▼ 4x Hastati. Troop class: Close order-Heavy foot. ▼

▼ 1x Accensi. Troop class: Close order-Heavy foot ▼

▼ 2x Rorari. Troop class: Open order-Rabble ▼