Assorted Italian Troops
Not a complete army as such, all the troops presented here are required to fill slots in a number of armies I can build based in the Birth of the West thematic period. The reverse is also true for a few Italian armies like Terantine or Massilian.
▼ 1x General with Bodyguard. Troop Class: Close order-Spearmen ▼

▼ 2x Tarentine Light Cavalry. Troop Class: Open order-Javelin Cavalry ▼

▼ 3x Oscan Javelin men. Troop Class: Open order- Light foot ▼

▼ 1x Poor Italian foot. Troop Class: Open-order-Rabble ▼

▼ 3x Poor Italian Cavalry. Troop Class: Open-order-Bad Horse▼

▼ 3x Ligurian foot. Troop Class: Open-order-Light Foot ▼

▼ Bowmen. Troop Class: Open order-Skirmishers ▼