Pyrrhic/Macedonian Troops
Various configurations of the following troops will form the core of the pike based armies I’m currently interested in. When combine with elements from my Italian troops I can built quite a few different iterations of Later Macedonian or Pyrrhic armies.
▼ 8x Pikes. Troop Class: Close order- Pike ▼

The pikes for these troops are made from broom bristles. After cutting each bristle to length I then used a pair of pliers to flatten out one end of the pike. This flatten tip was then cut into the shape of a spear point using my trusty hobby snips.
You can see in the picture to the right how they will flex when put under pressure. No more sharp metal or soft pewter bendy pikes.
1x Companion Cavalry: Troop Class: Close order-Knights ▼

▼ 1x War Elephants. Troop Class: Close order-Elephants ▼

▼ 2x Thurephoroi. Troop Class: Open order- Raiders ▼

▼ 2x Slingers and Bowmen. Troop Class: Open order- Skirmishers ▼