War-like Garllic
400BC to 100BC
Although not finished yet, this is already one of the largest Triumph armies I have painted thus far. Celtic mercenaries fought for many different factions during this time period, hence the need to paint a few extras as options for my other armies.
▼ 2x Mounted Noblemen. Troop class: Open order-Javelin Cavalry ▼

▼ 2x Horsemen. Troop class: Open order-Bad Horse ▼

▼ Tribal Chief. Troop class: Close order-Warriors ▼

▼ 11x Tribal Warriors. Troop class: Close order-Warriors ▼

▼ 2x Low class tribes men. Troop class: Open order-Rabble ▼

▼ 3x Loose order Warriors. Troop class: Open order- Warband ▼