The long weekend saw a bunch of the lads (nine of us in all) rock out to my place to push some lead around. Luckly here in New Zealand covid isn’t currently a concern so gatherings like this are worry free.
There aren’t to many pictures here I’m afraid, as I spent most of the day lost in my own games.

Above- My War-Like Gauls take on Rob’s Late Carthaginians (?). I think this was the only game out of four where I managed to scrape in a lucky win. If I remember rightly it was very close. Rob was in the process of rolling up my right flank while I was desperately trying to bash in his center.
Below- Ah yes well, I started the day with the Pyrrhic army pictured here and lost. Throughout the day I faced it two more times and lost each of those games as well, oh dear.
Embarrassingly when sorting armies for the first game I miss read my friend’s list and therefore short changed my opponent by three elements of light foot. He crushed me with this understrength force in no time flat anyway. Only when we swapped armies for a rematch did I pick up the mistake. After giving myself the missing three elements I promptly went on to lose again lol.

Above- Keith and Micheal engaged in an epic Napoleonic game of Bataille Empire which lasted most of the day. Both of these beautiful 15mm Prussian and French armies were painted by Rob.
Below- Aaron and Warski cracked out a couple of great looking bolt action games. Three sheep and a small group of chickens proving so popular here that they migrated between tables for the day.

It seemed like I took a bunch more pictures than this but, alas I didn’t. Truly a very enjoyable day of gaming all the same. Many thanks to everyone who made the trek out to my place and hopefully we’ll get the chance to do it again soon.