More of a Just Assembled than a Just Made page update this time as most of the stuff featured here was bought, then painted and based by me as opposed to the scratch built scenery I usually post here.
First up are these great looking cornstalks from JTT which I have based up and added to my growing collection of ACW terrain. JTT also produce a similar pack of dry/dead cornstalks that look just as good as what is pictured here. Although (for me) these are a little bit pricey they do look much better than my attempt at home made cornstalks. I decided to mount these on 40mm round bases instead of the large square basing system I used for my home made fields. The round bases give good ground cover and are a lot easier to re-arrange when moving figures through the field.
Below the cornfields are a few photos of two resin buildings I recently picked up from Hovels 28mm ACW range. These houses (catalogue numbers 19AC and 40AC) will also work well in any of the wild west or French Indian war games I occasionally play. They both came unpainted and 40AC did require some assembly. Following the houses are the latest scratch built trees I’ve managed to knock out. I now have quite a collection of large trees and plan to start working on some mid sized trees in the near future.
Lastly are some perry brothers/Renedra plastic picket fences I’ve had sitting in a box for a year or two. After dry brushing these fences with various shades of white I gave the whole fence a good coat of Citadel’s Nuln-Oil before dry brushing the tops of the fence white again. I really like the shadow effect the Nuln-Oil has left on the bottom of these picket fence sections.

Another thing I have recently decided to try my hand at, is drawing and printing my own (simple) flags. Shown here is one of my first attempts at it and given my tendency to launch into things with the minimum amount of research or planning I don’t think it turned out too badly. It is of course meant to be the French Berry regimental flag from the Seven year war / French Indian war.