At long last I’ve managed to update this page. Hard to believe it has been a year since I last added anything here. Where does the time go?

What a great product. At just $6.00 a pack from the local hobby shop this Block (100/150/25) of whatever it is, makes great hedges. I’ve been mass producing a few lately for a Napoleonic skirmish game which will be based on the fighting that took place in and around the grounds of Hougoumount at the battle of Waterloo.

More home made trees. I tried to make these a little smaller than the first bunch, but it didn’t really turn out that way, as they all ended up looking about the same size as the first lot.


I’ve also been messing around making modular hills out of light weight styrofoam. These are great for historical games where large hills or ridge lines are required. I have completed enough pieces to cover most of a six by four table in an endless variety of ways . These 20mm thick styrofoam sheets are off cuts from air conditioning ducts. With an aluminium foil stuck to each side they are both light weight and strong.

Rocky Ground

The rocky ground markers pictured here were made by gluing garden bark to some old (large) FoW bases I had lying around. Once attached to the Plastic bases I sealed the bark with a coat of PVA glue before undercoating black then dry brushing with continuously lighter shades of grey. Then just flock around the edges to finishes off.