Home cast Stonewalls
For some time now I’ve been toying with the idea of casting some simple terrain pieces to supplement what I have managed to buy or scratch build so far. Many years ago, back in the days when I played a lot of Flames of War I messed around with casting my own set of 15mm dirt roads (pictured at the bottom of the page). Now that I have a sixteen by six foot gaming table set up in my new hobby room I’m going to need a lot more terrain than I currently have to help cover such a large area.
Much like every other war-gaming project in the past I’ve approached this with the usual rush of enthusiasm which always kills any thoughts of pre-planning or research and immediately moves me straight into the lets get my hands dirty stage of the proceedings. Here are some photos of what I’ve managed to come up with so far. I will refrain from discussing too deeply what materials were used and how it was put together as I plan to cover this in-depth sometime in the future in the DIY section of the web site. So far, I have managed to build and cast just two types of wall sections, a straight and a right angle corner.

Masters: 20mm Base, 25mm High, 130mm Straight and 55/55mm Corner.

Side by side with other store bought walls

Old FOW 15mm home cast roads I made many years ago