Terrain boards and storage rack
Over the last two or three months I’ve managed to complete two extra terrain boards for the gaming table and a mobile rack in which to house them. Although a little on the ruff side due to my lack of wood working skills the storage rack can hold up to eight (two by four foot) terrain boards which slide neatly into place below the large tree storage box mounted at the top of the unit. Next year I plan to slowly fill the remaining empty slots in the storage rack with a variety of new board layouts. These new boards together with the fourteen I have finished already will give me a large amount of options when setting out my battlefields.

Impetus Pilum and PBW markers
In Basic Impetus 2 certain troop types are equipped with short range missile weapons such as Pilums or javelins and the like These weapons are a “one shot wonder” which allow players to roll a predetermined number of dice once contact with an enemy element has been made. In an effort to track who on the battle field was armed with these weapons I made the following weapon racks which are placed beside units that are armed in this manner.

▲More large pine trees▲
Pictured above is a second bach of 250-280mm tall pine trees. These four trees were all made from a single length of gutter guard and were mounted on 100/12mm round plywood bases.
▼Scratch built house▼
Built to compliment the figures I am currently painting up for a new AWI project this house will also work equally well in my western or ACW games. Although I’m happy with the overall finish of the building I think in retrospect it’s basic foot print is a little on the large size. The walls are made with foam card covered by precut strips of wood, while the removable roof is cardboard with a green stuff chimney.