American Civil War
Quite a lot to show in this update, as I’ve been busy painting up a storm over the last couple of months. First up are some more 28mm plastic infantry from the Perry brothers excellent ACW miniature range. The Zouaves are painted up as the 114th Pennsylvanian volunteer regiment that were in the 1st division of Sickles III corps at Gettysburg. The flags for which I will order from GMB designs in the new year. Pictured below these are ten generic infantry stands a long with two more command stands from Sickles corps (105th and 63rd Pennsylvanian volunteers).

Next we have my fourth unit of Gallic war-band. Shown here separately, then together with the three previously completed stands. The figures are a mix of Crusader and Black tree miniatures while all of the shields are from A&A miniatures. This is mainly because they have an accompanying range of little big man shield transfers while at this stage Crusader do not. The great thing about these Gallic war-bands is that like my units of Numidian light horse they are equally at home in both my Roman or Carthaginian armies.

Left: This unit of Spanish cavalry contains one of the generals for my latest Punic war themed army. All but one of the large round cavalry shields were free hand painted as currently there are no transfers available for shields of this size and shape. Below: Fast war-band will make up a large proportion of this army, the bulk of which I have managed to complete over the past two months. All figures shown here are from Crusaders excellent ancient Spanish range. While the shields are a mix of A&A, Crusader and Gripping beast miniature manufacturers.