Painting painting and more painting
Well as you can see I haven’t really updated this site for a while now, in part its because I’ve been working some long hours but mainly it’s because I have been painting up a storm.
Dystopian wars Italian fleet
The first of three starter box sets I bought for this game. The League of Italian States box contains 1x Mars class battleship, 3x Gladius class cruisers, 2x Fortana class bombers, 9x Scutum class escort frigates, 6x Uccisore class torpedo assault craft and 10x flyer tokens.

28mm ACW
The last of my ACW ….hmmm well maybe, there is always a couple more things I could add. Pictured below is the limber teams for the Confederates, some more Union and Confederate gun teams and a damaged battery maker.

6mm Ancients
Recently I down loaded a copy of the ancient rule set, Basic Impetus (a free down load from the Impetus site). At just nine pages long these look like my sort of rules! I really enjoy a good game of FoG or Dux but there are a couple of problems with these rule sets. Firstly Dux doesn’t cover a lot of the ancient conflicts I am interested in. While FoG does, I find that for the limited number of FoG games I get to play in a year, it’s hard to retain any more than the very basics of rules. Consequently most games involve a large amount of time checking and re-reading rules. So I decided to look for a simpler set of ancient rules. To this end I have painted up both 6mm Republic Romans and Carthaginian and intend giving BI a try.

Spanish light infantry and Carthaginian cavalry

Lybian spearmen

Republic Romans (Polybian)

Velites, Hastatus, Princeps and Triarius
Out with the old plan in with the new
The plan was to paint two 6mm armies, try the rules (Basic Impetus) and see if I like them. If I did, maybe I would paint up some 28mm armies…well as you can see plans have changed. I’m now painting Romans and Carthaginian in 28mm as well as two or three more 6mm armies. So the new plan (some would call it a justification statement) is that the small portable 6mm armies are for evening away games while the bigger 28mm armies are for home and club use only.

French artillery limber teams
Lastly, I finally made time to paint and re-base two artillery limber teams for the foot artillery in Foy’s division.