Welcome to the last post on this page for 2017. First up we have another three battalions of 28mm Perry Napoleonic Austrians. I’ve now completed seven battalions out of my pre-Christmas target of ten. Alas a couple of painting distractions along with really life chores will keep me from meeting that goal. All battalions in the army thus far are yet to receive their colours.
▼13th Grenzer regiment (Wallacho-Illyrian) 2nd battalion▼

▼Viennese Volunteers▼

▼Deutschmeister’s 4th regiment 1st Battalion▲

▼Below is the first batch of Austrian skirmish stands▼

First of the distractions I mentioned earlier is a new AWI project I’ve started working on. Below is the 64th British infantry battalion along with a converged grenadier battalion. All figures are once again from the Perry brothers range. Both battalions are based on 50mm squares and I plan to use them with The Land Of The Free rule set.

The 2nd distraction was the completion of my Republic Roman army to which I’ve added another element of Triarii followed by two extra units of Principes. With these latest additions to the army I can now field two complete legions each containing one Triarii, two Principe, two Hastati, two Velites and a single stand of cavalry all of which are from the Aventine figure range.