In my current figure collection I have two old 28mm war-game foundry armies, both of which were built with DBM/ FoG type systems in mind. However, having lost interest in those rules some time ago my Imperial Romans and Late Assyrians no longer see the light of day. Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of selling or re-basing these troops. I have tried and liked ADGL, which is played a lot here in Nelson. The only problem here is that for convenience sake the local lads all use 15mm armies so there’s not much point in basing my 28mm up for than system. My second option is to re-base for Impetus which would match up nicely with my Punic war armies, but the downside is there’s no real player base for these rules here. After giving the new Impetus 2 a whirl last week, I’ve finally decided to go in this direction anyway.

So far I’ve only managed to re-based the guards and some slinger elements (pictured here). Painted many many years ago this was my first foray into 28mm figures so some of the colour choices I made for the Assyrians were pretty bright to say the lease. Most of the figures (like the guards) I’m only planning to touch up with some quick washes before re-basing. Other more boldly painted troops will most likely have to be stripped down and repainted.

▲Carthaginian General
Now required in the 2nd addition of Impetus this is the first of my new general elements built from figures dug out of the bits box.
◄Republic Roman Casualties markers
▼Napoleonic Austrian 1809 Army
Work on the Austrians is going well as I almost have enough units to face my French on the table top. In this update I have managed to complete three command stands, seven skirmisher elements, a unit of Uhlans, a horse battery and one more line battalion.

Pictured below is a newly completed regiment of Spanish dragoons

Bolt Action (WWII)
The first few bits and pieces of an early war French army along with eight extra US Paratroopers is all I’ve managed to add to this project over the last few months. I had planned to paint and game my brains out over the Christmas holidays, but alas I did very little of either. Hopefully when it gets a bit cooler in the evenings I’ll feel like picking up the brushes again.

Two more pike blocks and a couple of light cavalry is all I’ve managed to add this 15mm Pyrrhic army.