Hobby wise, 2020 has been a strange old year for me. It started out well enough. However, it quickly lost direction as the terrible reality of global events hit home. That said, (thank the stars) here in New Zealand we have been (thus far) luckier than most in that respect.
Now, I started the year thinking I had finally nailed down my hobby to just four periods, Napoleonic’s (in 15mm & 28mm), ACW (15mm and 28mm), AWI (28mm only) and Ancients (28mm only). That was going to be it, nothing else, nothing new. I sold my remaining Full Thrust ships and cleared out the last of my 15mm WWII armies. After all these years I’d finally got to where I wanted to be and there was much rejoicing.
Oh no, no ,no I should have known better that’s just not how this hobby works. Somewhere in the middle of the year for reasons still unclear to me, I went ahead and ordered a bunch of 10mm Napoleonic figures. This was quickly followed by some 10mm ACW, which I might add, are yet to make it out of the packet they arrived in. With the year slipping away I found myself in some sort of confused war-gaming dead end. After all, I’d just forked out a wad of cash on stuff I no longer wanted to paint. Not to mention the half-dozen or so older projects that have been screaming paint me for years now. Just when it looked like the year was going to be a complete write off I stumbled across some “you tube” videos on a rule set for ancients called Triumph. Aaaaargh damn it, this looked interesting.
A good start to the year saw me complete some Austrian & French cavalry regiments

I also managed to complete two Austrian divisional command elements

Next I punched out a couple of 15mm Landwehr units for my Austrians

Okay, this is where things went a little off the rails for me. Don’t get me wrong, I really like these 10mm figures from Pendraken. Just not so sure I really, really need to collect more Napoleonic armies in yet another scale. Thankfully I didn’t dive to deep into this scale before I had a moment of clarity.

It was however, a completely different story for the last few months of the year. Finishing strong I managed to paint something like seven hundred 15mm ancient figures. Rather than trying to cover them here I plan to feature them in more detail within some up coming articles on Triumph.