Well, as usual, it’s been awhile between updates. Work, Chores and motivation issues have all conspired against me and I haven’t managed to post anything here for longer than I intended.
That said, I have managed to crack out a fair amount of painting and gaming since my last batch of posts. Here, in New Zealand we have been very fortunate (so far) in that covid is yet to make its way into our country. So a bunch of us have been making the most of the rainy winter weekends by rolling dice and pushing figures about. This in turn has led to a flurry of painting over the week nights. Most of which is detailed below.
First up is the start of my third 28mm WWII army (early war Germans). Originally I was only planning to paint one Bolt Action army (US Paras). After a few runs through B.A. I found I liked the system, but wasn’t overly keen on my choice of armies. It was while painting a second army (the French) that I started watching the odd Chain of Command game on You-Tube. To cut a long story short. I ended up buying a copy of CoC, gave it a go, enjoyed it and then somehow ended up with yet another army on the painting table.
I’ve completed three of the four infantry sections I need for CoC. Each section contains a Junior leader, six man rifle team and a MMG team.

Below is a team of various engineers, two senior leaders and a Ie.18 infantry gun.

Above and Below are a bunch of newly completed support options for both my German and French armies.

▼ French Senior Leaders ▼
▲ French Infantry Sections ▲
▼ CoC Jump off Markers ▼

Although I fully intend to play both BA and CoC with all of these troops. I have started to bulk out my French army with more of the support options listed in the CoC blitzkrieg book.
So far I’ve added a VB team, two more infantry sections, a 25mm anti-tank gun, a heavy machine gun team and AFV’s picture above.

▼ French VB Team ▼
▼ Random Broken down Trucks ▼

Despite going a bit crazy on WWII I’ve also managed to add to my 15mm ancient collection. Pictured below are some Roman, Italian and Celtic cavalry units along with a lone Carthaginian chariot and a unit of Triarii. All of which I have added into my Triumph galleries linked here
The final photo in this update is the latest incarnation of a (on again, off again) 10mm Napoleonic project. It was dying a slow death there for a while. However, Sam Mustafa’s Blucher rule set might of just given these boys a second crack at making it onto a gaming table one day.