Jeepers, halfway through the year already and not that much to show for it really. Two new Maine Coon kittens put pay to a lot of my painting time. Forcing me to move my operation to somewhere a little less patrolled by these brush eating lunatics. I think I had finished the Austrian and Spanish Napoleonic battalions before they arrived. The rest of these had to be painted while fending off some very persistent paws.
As well as the two Grenadier infantry battalions pictured below I have finally finished enough command figures to make the army playable.

▼More Carthaginian cavalry and command stands bring the army into line with the second edition of Impetus▼

▼Assyrian Auxiliaries and light cavalry ▼
▼Whats yours will be ours soon enough▼

▼15mm French light infantry, Cuirassiers and horse artillery. Austrian Hussars and Artillery limber teams▼