Well it has been at least a couple of months now since I last updated the site. Unfortunately real life has forced my hobby into the back seat yet again. Sadly site updates are the first to go by the wayside when this happens. The lack of spare time coupled with fading vision, has made me take a closer look at all the unfinished projects and dusty armies I have sitting around. After some serious soul searching, I decided to sell off my entire 6mm collection as well as an old 28mm DBMM/FoG imperial Roman army. My half finished 28mm war of the roses troops were another victim of this figure purge. The cash these sales generated I intend to reinvest in figures for rules and armies I’m more keen on.
Pictured below is what I’ve managed to paint or re-base since I last updated this page. The photos were taken on my phone so I apologize ahead of time for their poor quality.

Top: I’ve managed to complete the fourth and last command stand for my Numidian army. Next to this is a second element of elephants which (like a previous completed stand) I will be using in both my Numidian and Carthaginian armies. Below this is a bunch more Assyrian units. Most of these were simply cut off old DBM bases and remounted ready for Impetus II. These Assyrians were in fact the first 28mm army I ever painted (many, many years ago). I was considering repainting this army as it looks a little dated now, but in the end it fell into the too hard basket.

Below are the latest re-enforcements for my 28mm Napoleonic Spanish army
The Artillery, infantry and cavalry picture here are all figures from the Perry brothers metal range. Of special note is the unit of line cavalry which are in fact just dragoon figures painted as line. Below the Spanish is my new British (peninsular) army command stand followed by a single large Hungarian battalion.

28mm French and Nassau troops
As part of the figure purge mentioned above, I’ve also been looking to cull some of the rule systems I haven’t play for a while. One such system I was messing around with for battalion sized Napoleonic games was based on a (American Civil War) skirmish set of rules. After deciding to abandon the idea I’ve re-based the Nassau and French infantry used in these experimental games. By painting up another sixteen odd figures I have managed add two large Nassau line battalions and two French light battalions to my collection. The Nassau troops will come in handy as allies for both my French and British armies. The different head gear on the grenadiers in each respective Nassau battalion was dictated by the figures I had to hand and not historical examples. Above the infantry we have one regiment of Chasseurs and one regiment of Carabiniers.