Well, well what can I say? It’s been a while since I last updated this (or any other) page on my site. Now although I’ve been slack with the posts I have been busy with the brushes. Since last posting I have somehow managed to start another half dozen or so projects while simultaneously failing to complete any of the on going ones, but dare I say it, that’s the hobby in a nutshell really. First up are some photos of all the units I’ve added to my 28mm AWI collection before it got bumped down the production line in favour of something new.

Above is Hartley’s continental regiment followed by the 5th Pennsylvania regiment both of which were built from the Perry brother’s plastic AWI 28mm box sets. Lower left is a 24 figure regiment of Perry metal Hessian troops while to the right of these are 24 French infantry also from the Perry AWI metal range. The French troops are painted as the Soissonais regiment but, are currently sporting a FIW flag which needs replacing.

Next we have a three gun British artillery battery accompanied by two limber teams and a 30 figure regiment of light infantry. Once again these units were all built from the Perry AWI range of metal figure packs. Below this we have the C-in-C stands for both the continental and British armies with four British brigade command stands pictured either side of the commanders. A mixture of File & Drum, Front Rank and Perry miniatures were used to gain a good mix of command poses here.

In a long line of on-again off-again projects my War of the Roses collection has been stuck in a box for quiet some time now. Originally starting life as my first Impetus army somewhere around five years ago they never really got past the first four or so finished stands before the wheels fell off the project and all work on them stopped. After recently reading Daniel Mersey’s medieval skirmish rules Lion Rampart they’ve enjoyed a brief resurgence, re-basing what figures I had already finished I then went on to paint and base what you see above before getting distracted yet again by a new line of Napoleonic Spanish infantry produced by the Perry’s.

So far I have completed three battalions of recruits with a fourth on the painting table at the moment. These along with the Skirmish stands pictured here are a mixture of the civilian clothing and 1808-1812 military uniform packs which will nicely compliment the existing (Front Rank) standard line battalions I painted many years ago.

Sticking with the Napoleonic theme, when I ordered the Spanish I also picked up some Austrian Hussars which I painted up as the 10th regiment (Stipsics) who formed part of Nordmann’s vanguard at Wagram. Also pictured below are two newly finished battalions of the 4th regiment from the same formation. Unlike my Spanish troops these battalions are 30 figures strong as I believe Austrian battalions were somewhat larger than a standard battalion around this time. Not shown here are an extra 24 figures I painted up and added to the four previously completed German battalions of my Austrian army.

Below shows all the units I have currently finished for my 28mm Austrians thus far.

Surprise, surprise another new project, this time it’s WWII, Bolt action. After a couple of introduction games with the Nelson lads I had to pick up some of Artizans lovely US airborne troops along with a lone Sherman tank from Blitzkrieg games. Although I still have a few bits and bobs to add to this army I have already started collecting early war French.

Lastly yet another new army this time a 15mm Pyrrhic army from Forge in Battle. Which I have based for the ancient rule set Art de la Guerre