Mostly 15mm Napoleonic troops for this update of the “Just Painted” page. Since last posting here I’ve managed to knock out six more line battalions, three guard battalions, six complete limber teams, twenty five odd skirmisher stands and a couple of mounted command bases. These a long with the casualty markers pictured to the right, were the last of my unpainted 15mm French collection.
As stated else where on this site these figures were originally based for “Age of Eagles” , but work equally well with any of the other rule systems I’m currently playing. In fact, with these additional units I now have enough French and Austrian troops to field corps sized games using the pickup lists in the Shako II rule book.

Pictured on the right is the next addition to my British AWI army. These represent the 16th light dragoons shown here are in dismounted skirmish order.
Below these are the latest generals I’ve managed to complete for my Numidian and Spanish Impetvs II armies. Although its doubtful that any Numidian commanders rode elephants in to battle I base my C-inC this way to help him stand out from the other mounted commanders in the army. Only one more Numidian command stand and three Roman ones left to go now.
Lastly at the bottom of the page I’ve included some photos of the latest Assyrian troops to receive their DBM to Impetvs II base conversions. These brightly coloured troops are the very first 28mm figures I ever painted (many, many years ago).