Below is a short compilation of pictures and commentaries showing some of the games I’ve managed to squeeze in over the last couple of months. Up first are some photos and a brief overview of one of the half dozen or so Impetus games I managed to play lately. The army lists used in this four hundred point Rome versus Carthage clash were based more around what I have currently painted as opposed to any tactical tinkering.

First Command
- 1x Velites (S)
- 2x Hastati (FP)
- 1x Principes (FP)
- 1x Roman Cavalry (CM)(G)
- 2x Numidian Cavalry (CL)
- 1x Slingers (S)
Second Command
- 1x Velites (S)
- 2x Hastati (FP)
- 1x Principes (FP)
- 1x Roman Cavalry (CM)(G)
- 1x Medium Cavalry (CM)
- 1x Slingers (S)
First Command
- 1x Carthaginian Cavalry (CM)(G)
- 2x Spanish Skirmishers (S)
- 2x Numidian Cavalry (CL)
- 1x Large unit Celts (FL)
- 1x Elephants
Second Command
- 2x Lybian Skirmishers (S)
- 3x Lybian Spearmen (FP)(G)
- 2x Numidian Cavalry (CL)
- 1x Spanish Cavalry (CM)

Opening Moves
The Carthaginian cavalry charge their Roman counter parts on the right flank while the Lybian spearmen advance slowly towards the Roman battle line. Rushing forward to occupy the rough ground in the centre of the table, Spanish skirmishers engage the Roman light cavalry with short range missile fire. The large Celtic war band together with the elephants and medium cavalry start to advance on the Roman’s right flank.

Mid Game
The Cavalry Skirmish on the right flank continues with neither side able to gain the upper hand here. The Lybian spearmen clash with the legions and push the Romans back in some disorder. On the left the war band charges into the Roman line, but fails to do too much damage. A Roman counter attack disperses the Celts in the following combat. Balearic slingers enter the woods on the hill ready to pepper the elephants if they keep advancing.

End Game
Despite being outnumbered on the right, somehow the Roman cavalry continue to hold their own while the supporting legionaries force the lybian spearmen back in disorder. On the opposite flank the elephants charge past the slingers on the hill and into the Roman infantry. The resulting melee lasts a couple of rounds, but the elephants fail to break the Romans and in the end are destroyed by the more numerous infantry. This loss breaks the command and the army which brings the game to an end.

More pictures of this game can be found on my opponent’s (John) excellent blog Wargaming. info . He also shares some thoughts on his first impressions of Impetus.
28mm ACW Game-Brawner’s Farm
Next up are a couple of photos of a large 28mm regimental fire and fury game three friends a I had one Saturday afternoon. I won’t cover the game in any detail on this page as a full AAR can be found here for those of you who are interested in how this game unfolded.

Song of Drums and Shakos
The last few photos were taken at club and feature the next scenario game in the long running Siege of Badajoz campaign. It has been a while since we have played any Song of Drums and Shakos and I had forgotten just how much fun these rules can be. Once again I will refrain from giving any details here as I hope to add a full AAR to the campaign page in the not too distant future.