War gaming wise 2018 has been a great year for me. I’ve met a great bunch of lads down here in Nelson who a long with my regular opponent (Keef) have introduced me to a plethora of new rule systems. Although I got quite a bit of gaming in across the year, sadly I didn’t really take a lot of photo’s of any of the games. Below is just what I could scrape together from off my phone. Hopefully I get my act together and do better in 2019.
Below are a few shots from a small (AWI) Black powder game we played at my place. A quick, but good first crack at these rules and like most of the other games featured on this page, one which I lost lol. I’m still hedging my bets (rule wise) for this period. I’ve tried a few different systems so far now, but due to the limited amount of finished units I currently have it’s hard to get a good impression of how each system truly works. Although it must be said that Keef and I have been playing a lot of Washington’s Army (by Peter Pig) in 15mm which I really like.

Bolt Action
My US airborne hit the table for the first time ably supported by Warwick’s Russian horde. It didn’t end well for the 82nd as you can see in the third photo down.

Their next outing saw my mortar team buy it when Richard’s Finn’s showed up unexpectedly

Last but, not least there has been the odd 28mm Napoleonic (General de Armee) smash up. I really enjoy these rules and couldn’t wait to get the new Spanish recruits on the table. A battalion of which bravely charged a battery of 8 pounders stationed on a hill in one of our games. Losing a quarter of their men to canister they bravely charged on and were it not for a supporting enemy battalion would have taken the guns.