The primary resource for my rendition of the 7th’s uniform was taken from the information and artwork presented on page 73 of Smith and Kiley’s book An illustrated encyclopedia of the uniforms of the American war of independence (Plate B). Uniform plate A can be found in the Baccus P.D.F which I missed at the time of painting these troops. Note, the white cross belts were added by me and don’t appear in the Baccus diagram.
Much like the other regular British and Continental units I have managed to paint so far, this regiment was based around the forces that took part in the 1777 Philadelphia campaign. The 7th along with the recently finished 2nd Pennsylvanian regiment form part of Hartley’s Continental brigade.
All figures shown here were assembled from a single box of the Perry’s Continental plastic infantry set. For this unit I decided to use the arms that depict a more casual marching pose as I have some concerns over how long the plastic bayonets on the formal marching poses will last on the gaming table.

Making my own colours
Normally I use GBM flags for all my command standards, although not cheap they are of a very high quality. However at the time of painting the 7th Pennsylvanian regiment their colours were not available on the GBM web site so I decided to have a crack at creating my own. This turned out to be quite a long process mainly because I have very limited artistic skills, an oldish PC, printer and art program. It took several reprints to refine the size and contrast of the final flag. What looked good on the PC screen was generally too dark and lacked definition after printing. Pictured to the right is just four examples of this slow evolution as I progressively adjusted the flag’s highlights in order to achieve the right look after printing.