Unlike many of the other conflicts in the horse and musket era the American Revolution never saw cavalry or artillery units deployed in mass on any one battlefield. To this end I have only painted a very limited amount of guns for both my British and American armies.
The six pounder artillery elements pictured here are from the Perry brother’s AWI metal range. Note the two rope-men standing behind each gun crew where only added for personal taste as opposed to any rule requirements.
To the right I have sketched my interpretation of a standard continental gunners uniform. The main reference for this plate can be found in Digby Smith and Kevin Kiley’s uniform book “An Illustrated encyclopedia of Uniforms of the American war of Independence”.
String sealed with PVA glue before painting was used for the harness on the limber team pictured below. I have also painted a spare (removable) gun which I use to better represent a piece when it is in transit on the tabletop.
Lastly I have included photos of a powder and tumbrel cart I painted up for the now dead FIW project. These could still come in handy for scenarios with supply wagons or such.