To date I have managed to complete four command elements and thirteen generic militia troop stands. In the unit pictures featured here, I have arranged these figures into one large unit consisting of five stands and three medium units, all of which contain four stands. Most of the miniatures shown here were painted some time ago for a French Indian War (skirmish) project I had planned. Unfortunately this project ran out of steam and until now these figures were lost to the bottom of a box stacked in the back of the when I get around to it cupboard.

These units are largely comprised from the various metal southern and northern militia packs available of the Perry’s website supplemented with the plastic riflemen that came in the continental plastic box sets. Where possible I have grouped common figure poses (running, marching, firing) together on each of the bases. This was done mainly to help visually identify individual units when placed side by side on the table top.

All four of the flags featured on the command stands shown here were purchased from GMB flags. I did mess around with making my own flags for at lease a couple of these units, but in the end I decided to take the easy way out.