When I first started collecting 28mm ACW it dawned on me that at some stage I was going to need some corn fields. I new from past experience with my 15mm army that model corn fields are hard to find. After a fruitless internet search, which turned up only a couple of tutorials (both of which leaped off my hobbies table and into the to-hard basket). I decided to head down to the local craft shop, grab a few items and have ago at making my own.
This tutorial is what I came up with. Not a stunning result, but cheap, relatively easy to make.
You will need the following items:
- A glue gun and glue sticks
- Bases (I used some old ones I had saved from a re-basing project)
- Something to make holes in your bases (a Dremel drill or whatever you have to hand)
- Stem wire (see photo) This is used in flower arranging. I found some at spotlight in the craft section.
- Raffia (see photo) A dried grass also used in flower arranging. Again, in the craft section at spotlight.
- PAV glue

Step one: (right photo)
Cut the grass and stem wire into 40mm lengths or your preferred measurement.
Step two: (photos below)
Place a dab of hot glue on the end of the stem wire then add a piece of grass rolling it around the stem with your forefinger and thumb. This has to be done while the glue is still hot so be careful here. Rotate the stem half (or less) a turn then repeat the process only slightly lower down.

Step three (photo below)
Mark out a placement grid on the underside of your bases. I went with 18mm squares here, but adjust the grid size to what suits you best. Drill out the grid with a 2mm bit and PVA corn in place.
Step Four (photo below)
Once dry trimmed the corn tops with randomly angled scissor cuts until you get the desired height and look. Finally I gave my corn a quick dry brush to add a little depth.