Truth be told, I’ve never been much of a WWII gamer. Yes…..yes, I’ve had the obligatory FoW armies (hasn’t everyone?). That said, it was only ever a passing interest for me back in the day when FoW was all the rage at the local club. For reasons unknown to me the collective club FoW fever dissipated just as quickly as it took hold. My armies got boxed, then sold when I moved out of town and on to other projects.
That all changed when I was introduced to Bolt Action something like a year ago now. I guess you can’t keep a good period down as my feelings towards gaming WWII shifted yet again. With a couple of most enjoyable games under the belt, I found myself searching the late-night web for 28mm figure manufacturers. Resolving to paint just one army I settled on US paras for no reason other than I really liked the Artizan range.
Well, what can I say? One thing has led to another and I’ve already started a second army. Although not finished I thought I’d post what I have completed of this second foray into 28mm WWII.

In the interests of full disclosure for anyone looking too closely at my paint jobs. The following points should be noted.
To my shame, other than looking at some box art I haven’t done any research into sorting out the correct uniform colours for this army.
Nor did I look into buying any special paints for the job. It was very much a case of just scratching around in my paint box and seeing what I could come up with.