Hello and welcome to my third gallery featuring armies of world war two. The following troops feature a fair mix of the options available to the Germans in the CoC Blitzkrieg handbook. For this photoshoot, I have grouped the infantry into sections with this ruleset in mind. However, there are more than enough figures here to build a good-sized bolt action force as well.

Most of the figures here are from the Crusader miniatures range. With some Artizan and Warlord figures thrown in to help bulk out the army. Size-wise I think they all mix pretty well together.

For ease of identification, my senior leaders were given red bases. Junior or section leaders are marked with yellow.

Okay, if you’re a rivet counting world war two purest, now’s the time to look away. When I started collecting this army, I couldn’t find the earlier models of some armoured vehicles I was after. So to satisfy the requirements of particular army lists, there will be some fudging involved.
A triad of paints called German early field grey from Wargames Foundry was used for the uniforms and vehicle base coats. Considering I don’t own an airbrush, I’m quite happy with how the vehicles turned out.
The bulk of the army is now finished but, I will be adding some more MG34 teams and maybe some more support options at a later date.