In order to inject a little more variation into the campaign. I decided to utilize the different Spanish nationalities present in Hispania at the time. Although I do have an Numidian army built for this conflict the Spanish option fits the premise of the campaign a lot better. Having already fought two of the four Spanish engagements the Celts will now retire from active service. Replacing them will be a force of lightly armed Iberian warriors who will continue the fight until the end. The only things to remain unchanged in this transition will be the ratings of the original commanders, plus any previous game bonuses.

The Spanish lost the setup roll and were designated the defenders for this battle. The army advantage chart didn’t come into play for this game as no doubles were rolled here. Terrain wise the Spanish managed to generate a large forest and a small area of broken ground. To this the Carthaginians added a small gentle hill, which they placed on their left flank. As ninety percent of their troops had range weapons (javelins) the Spanish plan for the coming fight was pretty straight forward. Shoot the enemy as much as possible before engaging in hand to hand. The tactical cards Furious Melee and Storm Of Arrows (Javelins in this case) would no doubt prove handy at some stage.
Both the terrain and high proportion of enemy missile troops meant the Carthaginians options for success were limited in this game. Therefore, it was decided to mask the broken ground on the right with the Numidian light horse. The Gauls, Libyan spear-men and cavalry would be concentrated in the centre where the main attack was to be mounted. The remaining heavy infantry would force march around the forest and fall on the enemy’s right flank.

The game starts well for Carthage as their Numidian horse manage to rout a unit of light foot stationed in the broken ground. All but the war elephants (who are disordered) move forward without much trouble. The Spanish push their skirmishers forward and attempt to lengthen their main battle line. However, there is some confusion in the ranks and a few units are disordered this turn.

The Numidian light horse continue their success on the right, routing a unit of Spanish light cavalry. This leaves the left flank of the Spanish army just one break point away from collapse. In the centre accurate Caetrati missile fire destroys two Carthaginian skirmish units. This clears the forest and allows the Spanish troops to move into the tree line. On the far side of the woods large blocks of Libyan heavy infantry move forward.

Their supporting light troops have defeated a unit of Caetrati, but the troublesome elephants remain disordered.

Turn three: The time clock has dropped eight points and the Gods of war and dice decide to desert the Carthaginian army. Their main attack in the centre is repulsed with heavy losses while the right is also driven back in some disorder. Any gains on the left are small and over shadowed by the threat of a flank attack from the forest. Amongst it all the war elephants steadfastly refuse all calls to order and are destine to play no part in the battle.

Turn four: Exhausted and disordered the last remaining troops of the Carthaginian centre break and run. The Numidian light horse also dash from the field as the last of their supporting medium cavalry are cut down. On the left the elephants finally return to good order just in time to quit the field with the rest of the army. The Spanish lose the right-wing of their army to panic, but the game is over and they are undeniably the victors.

Spain has well and truly secured its place at the top of the leader board with yet another triumph over the Carthaginians this round. Even with a game still in hand this four turn beating has knocked Carthage out of contention. Indeed only a decisive victory over Rome in their last game could potentially safe Carthage from disgrace.The Spanish on the other hand move into their last confrontation with all manner of confidence. Once again they will be free to pick two tactical cards to add to their army before the next game. One of their sub-commanders gained a level this round and will start the last battle with an expert rating. Lastly this victory boosts the army’s morale by one break point making it a little more difficult for the Romans to chase them from the field.