Not a lot to show this time around. I did manage to pick up another roll of wire to make some more fences for CoC. Now I just need to make the odd gate or two to help finish the overall look of the fence.

Then I got terribly distracted by Sharp practice. Spent a lot of time trolling the net watching games and reading battle reports. This led to me throwing together some unloaded/fired markers. Made from some bits of grey/white insul-wool I found on a building site I was working on. They came out not too bad but would probably benefit from a light spray with some PVA glue.

The inspiration for the grapevine pictured below came from a battle report I read online. I wish I had saved a link to the page as the table set-up was fantastic. My vines are just small plastic tree parts cut down, painted and flocked. There is enough gap between vines to accommodate a 40mm base.