More of a just assembled than a just made this time I’m afraid. Everything here was store-bought, not scratch-built. All I did was stick it to a base and slap some paint on it. well.. that’s not entirely true, I did model the roads in the town sections and cut the Roman fort down so it sits on an angle to the edge of its base.
First up are two fortified camps for my 15mm Triumph games. These are both Baueda kits stuck to 60/120mm MDF bases. They look a bit stark at the moment as I don’t seem to have anything suitable in my bits box with which to tart them up a bit.

Next up are some 6mm European buildings from Big battalions. I plan to use these with my new 10mm armies. Mounted on 80/80mm square bases I think these are going to be the business. I don’t know about you, but I always struggle when trying to represent towns in Napoleonic games. One or two large buildings don’t look like a town to me. However, you risk taking up a disproportionate amount of the tabletop if you add any more. By dropping down a scale I hope to walk the thin line between looking more town-like while not appearing overly small.

10mm figures with 6mm buildings