It’s been a while since my last update and while I wish I could say I have spent the time wisely. The truth of the matter is that up until late last year there has been very little hobby action around here. Somewhere, somehow I got lost, muddled about and ended up jumping from project to project. Real-life issues have also played a big part in this hobby void by gobbling up a fair amount of my free time.
Although at last, I have found some direction. At this stage, I haven’t got much to show for it. Most of my recent activities have revolved around re-basing my 28mm ancients collection.

However, I have finished a fair amount of 10mm Napoleonic troops. All of which I have based with the GdA rules system in mind. The plan here is to collect all the troops that were present at Quarte-Bras first. Then move on to the battles of Ligny and Waterloo. The 100 days campaign has always been a focal point for me. As such I’m working my way towards re-fighting the three main battles at a battalion level.

Thus far I have made pretty good progress with the French II Corps, Brunswick and Nassau forces close to completion. Unfortunately, as mentioned above there has been a short detour as I am in the midst of re-basing my ancient collection. What was supposed to be just one or two armies has turned into the complete re-basing of every army and in some cases a re-paint to boot.
All figures pictured here are from the Pendraken miniatures range. It should be noted that the figures I used for the French are from Pendraken’s 1809 range as they had a few more pose variations than their later range. Also a big thank you to Leon from Pendraken for his excellent customer service skills when one of my orders went astray in the post (it got here in the end).