Here is a quick look at just a few of the games I’ve managed to play since I last posted on this page. It goes without saying that I enjoyed all of them despite their common theme. That being, I lost all of them of course.
First up we have one of two Fire and Fury games Rob, Michael and I have played recently. Both of which I lost (that would be the common theme I mentioned). We chose to use the regimental version of the rules with 28mm miniatures for both of these battles.

The second game here is a solo run through of Chain of Command. Technically I also lost this game even though it could be said I also won it at the same time.

The final game featured here is the last of three Grand Triumph games we have played over the last few weekends. Michael, with a Carthaginian list carved up my Roman/Spanish force in a protracted battle that lasted four to five hours. There have been other games but, sadly I didn’t get any photos of those.