I may have had one too many frosty pigs when I came up with this idea. Fortunately, it only lasted for three or four models before I got distracted by something else.
Basically it was going to be a Nurgle army with a strong maggot theme to it. These few photos are all I have left of the crazy project as the models were sold off years ago.

Mounted on a 100/100mm square base the Plague roller 6600 (as I like to call it) was my spin on a chaos war chariot. Both the chariot and the monster maggot team were built from wood and green stuff. The chariot and two individual maggot rides were all I completed before snow balling the idea and selling the models.

Close up shots of the single massive rear roller on the chariot

These photos detail the decomposing bodies on the floor of the chariot.

Close up photos of the very front of the chariot base…..maggot food…ha.

Left -An out of focus shot of one of the corpse filled iron cages that swing from masts attached to the chariot. Right-Side view of a maggot rider. Below- two close up shots of the giant maggots