Part one of a two part battle report for a 28mm pick up game of Drums and Shakos Large Battles. This battle took place on the kitchen table, using a selection of home-made terrain boards. The two armies are a bit of a miss-mash of new and old (re-based) figures from my collection.
The British force is a re-based Peninsular army made up of Front rank figures. Although more historically correct than the French army the Guards brigade did require stunt doubles for this game.
The French force is in fact two armies slapped together to make up numbers for the game. First, on the Left flank we have Foy’s division that was at Waterloo (well what I have finished painting of it that is). This wing is made up entirely of Perry figures while the reserve and right flank are from my old Front Rank collection. The Front rank French started life as an 1812 army, which then morphed into a peninsular army and is now currently half way through the re-basing process.
British Deployment
French Deployment

The French begin proceedings with a disjointed attack on the British right flank. Finding their range the British artillery start to tear holes in the advancing French battalions. Struggling to co-ordinate his attack the French commander is forced to halt his lead battalions while he attempts to motivate the rest of his brigade. Exposed on the open ground and under increasingly heavy fire these two lead battalions form line in order to lessen the effects of the British cannonade. Supporting the French infantry a battery of 8 pounders unlimbers and roars into action.

With the bulk of the British artillery concentrated against the French Left flank, the right is free to advance in column. Wedged between the village (centre) and a forest (right) the French have little room to deploy, consequently only three battalions and a battery hasten forward in the first line.

Watching that battle unfold from his vantage point the French CinC decides to support his attack on the Guards with the horse battery from his reserve. This battery quickly takes position beside the old village, unlimbers and begins to engage the British infantry.

The British Guards Brigade launches a sudden counter attack on the French right flank. Routing the lead French battalion, they push forward looking to capitalize on this success. The French rush reinforcements to the area in an effort to curtail the British advantage.

Here are a few more pictures of the battle thus far