The 46th along with the previously painted 64th were both part of James Agnew’s 4th brigade at the battle’s of Brandywine and German town. This unit was once again assembled from Perry 28mm plastics and as such they sport the short tail coats commonly associated with the Saratoga campaign. A Slouch hat (like those on the 64th) probably would have been a better choice here, but I really like the look of the tricorn. The regimental colours were purchased from GMB design, while the flag pole tassels can be found in Front Rank’s 18th century equipment range.

Painting wise I believe these guys are historically a big improvement on the 64th which have since returned to the painting table for a few corrections. These included repainting the hat ribbon black, adding a strip to the sergeant’s sash in the regiment’s facing colour and finally repainting the body of the musician’s drum also in the regimental facing colour. Drums in this period were made from wood not brass as I had wrongfully presumed.