As we move into 2024 I thought it would be a good idea to post another update on the old hobby room. After all, It has been a while since my last post and I’ve managed to accumulate quite a few new things to add to the room.

Above Left: I managed to score this old letter rack from a school I was working at. It was a freebee as the builder was about to bin it. At the time, I wasn’t a hundred per cent sure what I could use it for. However, it turned out to be an ideal place to store my terrain.
Above Right: Over the last few years I’ve slowly been adding extra terrain boards. Storage was beginning to become a problem so I built this simple mobile rack.
Right: Built from skirting board and balustrade rails this figure trolley is great for those big battles.
Below: When my wife and I decided to knock down our old house and rebuild. I pulled out the old kitchen cupboards. Half of which I mounted in the corner of the room while the other half became a mobile gaming table (with storage). So I now have a 16/6 and a 6/4 table permanently set up with the option of breaking down the larger table into four 6/4 tables.
I think the next thing I’d like to add is some carpet.